Status updates

The RET aims to notify you of any delays in your trip in advance and with as much detail as possible.

Elevators at metro stations that are not working due to a malfunction or maintenance are also listed here. Non-functioning escalators are only mentioned in case of long-term maintenance or a longer-lasting malfunction (> week) and if no other escalator - or elevator - is available. We do our best to keep the overview up to date, but it may happen that a fault has already been resolved or still needs to be reported.

Planned diversions

Direction: Station Delft, Station Noord
Description:Closure. Altered route en cancelled stops. 
From:24 Apr 202306:10
To:28 Mar 202520:16
Direction: Schollevaar, Station Alexander
Description: Bus 30 closure Hobo altered route and cancelled stop.07-01-2025
From: 7 Feb 202505:00
To:30 Apr 202523:59
Direction: Zuidplein
Description:Road works Pleinweg. Route alteration and cancelled stops.
From: 6 Jan 202505:00
To:13 Apr 202505:00
Direction: Hoogvliet Metro, Oudeland
Description:Roadworks Aveling/Lengweg.Changed route and cancelled stops.
From: 3 Mar 202505:00
To: 5 Jul 202501:00
Direction: Hoogvliet Metro, Zalmplaat
Description:Closure Kruisnetlaan. Altered route via Bovensim.
From:17 Mar 202505:00
To: 4 Apr 202516:00
Direction: Holy-Noord, Station Vlaardingen West
Description:Due to closure van Oudehavenbrug  busses 56 and 156 have an altered route and cancelled stops from Monday 24 maart daily from 22.00 til end of service  til Wednesday 26 maart Altered route bus 56 en 156 in both directions:
From:24 Mar 202520:00
To:26 Mar 202500:00
Direction: Rotterdam Centraal, Meijersplein Metro
Description:Closure Noorderlaan. Bus 33 route alteration and cancelled stop
From:28 Mar 202523:00
To:29 Mar 202500:30
Direction: Barendrecht, Zuidplein
Description:Closure Binnenlandse Baan. Altered route and cancelled stops.
From:24 Mar 202505:00
To:19 Apr 202516:00
Direction: Kralingse Zoom via Keizerswaard, Zuidplein
Description:Closure Binnenlandse Baan. Route alteration and cancelled stop.
From:24 Mar 202505:00
To:19 Apr 202516:00
Direction: Barendrecht Verenambacht, Carnisselande
Description: Closure Binnenlandse Baan. Route alteration and cancelled stop.
From:24 Mar 202505:00
To:19 Apr 202516:00
Direction: Station Noord, Station Delft
Description:Closure. Bus 174.Altereded route. Cancelled stops.
From: 1 Apr 202505:00
To: 3 Apr 202516:00
Direction: Pernis Metro, Zuidplein
Description:Diversion due to not enough space Ring Pernis. Altered route til further notice.
From:14 Sep 202305:00
To:31 Dec 202522:00

Currently all metro lines have normal service.

Currently lifts and escalators have a normal service.