Works. Van Oldenbarneveltstraat. Route alterattion and cancelled stops.
Direction: Beverwaard, Rotterdam Centraal
To: 5 April 2025 01:30
Due to works at Van Oldenbarneveltstraat tram 3 and 5 have from March 31st until April 4th a route alteration and cancelled stops:
Tram 3 in direction of Beverwaard: cancelled stop: Rotterdam Centraal platform C. Replacement stop: Rotterdam Centraal platform D.
Tram 5 towards Rotterdam Centraal station: Regulair route until Beurs, continue to Stadhuis, Weena, Rotterdam Central Station stop E. Towards Carnisselande, same route in reverse.
Cancelled stops tram 5 in both directions:
Keep in notice of extra travelling time.
For more details about the diversion, check the flyer.