I got a fine. What do I do?
A public transport ticket inspector found that you were not in the possession of a ticket that had been checked in validly. Subsequently, the inspector, based on the facts and circumstances, decided to give you a fine. What do you do?
First, you will be given the opportunity to purchase a replacement ticket of €40.00 on the spot. If you do so, the fine is cancelled. The inspection team usually has a mobile point of sale terminal with them, so you can pay with your card. If you decide not to pay on the spot, the inspector will give you a provisional fine of €55,00. You need to pay this amount within 14 days. The RET bank account number is: NL46INGB0652766706. Remember to state the number of the provisional fine with your payment. This number is printed on the report you received from the inspector on the day of the offence.
If you do not pay within this period of 14 days, the amount will be increased by an administration fee of €15.00. You will then be given another 14 days to pay the fine. If you do not pay the fine within 28 days, the RET will forward it to the Fine Collection Agency. They will take over the further collection of the fine.
Prevent being fined by:
- making sure that you have sufficient balance or a valid travel product on your public transport chip card;
- taking note of the company rules;
- always check in at the very start of your trip.