Closure. Bus 174.Altereded route. Cancelled stops.
Direction: Station Noord, Station Delft
To: 3 April 2025 16:00
Closure. Bus 174.Altereded route. Cancelled stops.
Due a closure of the Dorpsstraat Bergschenhoek, bus 174 has an altered route and cancelled stops from april 1 till april 3 06:00 p.m.
Cancelled stops bus 174:
- Dorpsstraat in both directions
- Veld en Beemd direction Station Noord
Replacement stop direction Station Noord:
- Berkelseweg temporary stop
Route bus 174 via van Vredenburchlaan-Veld en Beemd-Berkelseweg- eigen route.
Use the travel planner on the website or the RET-app for personalised travel recommendations.